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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 22.05.09 16:17. Заголовок: где груши ? наполеон ... Связь /C3I/ (продолжение)

Прибытие прусского 4-го корпуса

В 11 утра Блюхер двинулся из Вавра по труднопроходимым дорогам в сторону Ватерлоо. Груши еще был в Валене, в 11:30 он услышал первые выстрелы - это начался штурм Угумона. Груши все же предположил, что это стреляют арьергарды Веллингтона и не отменил наступление на Вавр. Генералы (Жерар) предлагали "идти на пушки"(на звук
стрельбы), но Груши не был уверен в правильности этого хода и не знал намерений Наполеона на свой счет.

В полдень авангард Бюлова находился в Шапель-Сен-Ламбер (6 километров от Планшенуа и 4 от фермы Папелотта). Цитен двигался примерно тем же путем - из Вавра в Оэн. Около 13:00 Блюхер был уже в Шапель-Сен-Ламбер и примерно через полчаса двинулся через болотистую долину на Планшенуа.

В 16:00 Груши приблизился к Вавру и получил письмо Наполеона от 10 часов утра,
в котором Наполеон одобрял движение к Вавру. Груши убедился, что поступает в соответствии с планами Наполеона.

Около 17:00 Груши получил письмо (от 13:30) с приказом идти на соединение с Наполеоном,
но он уже втянулся в бой под Вавром. У его были все шансы разгромить генерала Тильмана, который предупредил об этом Блюхера. Тот ответил: "Пусть генерал Тильманн защищается, как только может. Его поражение в Вавре не будет иметь значения, если мы победим здесь"


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:25. Заголовок: Для МКСР «Луч» преду..

Для МКСР «Луч» предусмотрены
три точки стояния на геостационарной
орбите для космических аппаратов-
ретрансляторов: 16° з.д. над Атланти-
кой, 95° в.д. над Индийским океаном
и 167° в.д. над Тихим океаном. Если
в этих трех точках расположить три
спутника-ретранслятора, в зоне их
видимости окажется практически вся
поверхность планеты за исключением
полярных и приполярных областей.
Кроме того, при наличии трех спутни

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:27. Заголовок: Предполагается, что ..

Предполагается, что
на смену КА «Луч-5А» и «Луч-5Б»
придут многофункциональные кос-
мические аппараты. Первый в этом
ряду спутников-ретрансляторов – КА
«Луч-4». Следует отметить, что этот
космический аппарат будет решать тот

же комплекс задач, который решают
спутники американской системы ре-
трансляции информации ATDRSS


. В частности,
Nec изготавливает малошумящие
усилители, передатчики аппаратуры
«Маяк». Thales Alenia Space постав-
ляет блоки усилителей мощности и
другие составные части бортового ре-


W Rossii 27 mln chel imejut diplom o wischem obrazowanii i esche 7.5 mln studentow universitetow/wuzow
(56% platnie )

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:30. Заголовок: 2011 год Пуск ра..

2011 год
Пуск ракеты-носителя "Протон-М" с космическими аппаратами "Луч-5А" и "Amos-5"

Космодром Байконур. Дата пуска - 11 декабря 2011 г. 15:17:00

Cъемки Роскосмоса (ТО КЦ "Южный")
Пуск РКН "Протон-М"с КА «Луч-5А» и «Амос-5»


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:39. Заголовок: Космос-2371 прекрати..

Gejzer -«Космос-2371» выведенный 5 июля 2000г. на орбиту с параметрами наклонение 1.5град. высота 35872 км. период обращения 24 час. И точкой стояния в районе 80°в.д стал десятым КА серии.

Космос-2371 прекратил работу в 2009 г.



Типичная масса КА 2300 кг[1]

Мощность 1700 Вт[1]

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:46. Заголовок: http://ru.wikipedia...


КА «Гарпун» (индекс ГУКОС — 14Ф136) — военные спутники-ретрансляторы (СР), создаваемые для обеспечения оперативной ретрансляции больших объёмов цифровой информации с КА радиотехнической и видовой разведки сверхдетального наблюдения на наземный пункт приёма в реальном масштабе времени. КА «Гарпун» заменит аналогичные по назначению КА «Поток», которые являлись частью Глобальной космической командно-ретрансляционной системы (ГККРС)[3]

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.01.12 23:57. Заголовок: Некоторая информация..

Некоторая информация о наземной аппаратуре для работы через КА «Меридиан» также была размещена в открытых справочниках. Например, сообщалось о корабельной малоканальной станции спутниковой связи сантиметрового диапазона волн Р-793 «Прицеп». Станция рассчитана на установку на надводные корабли первого и второго рангов и будет обеспечивать через КА «Грань», «Молния», «Глобус» и «Меридиан» связь с наземными станциями «Центавр-ПМ» (мобильные) и «Центавр-Н» (стационарные).
«Прицеп» позволит обеспечить корабли дуплексной телефонной, телеграфной, факсимильной связью, а также передачей данных и донесений в направлениях «берег-корабль», «корабль-корабль». Станция работает в диапазоне частот 4/6 ГГц (C-диапазон) и на дальности не менее 17 тыс км. В составе автоматизированных комплексов связи корабля или автономно станция обеспечивает дуплексную работу по четырем телефонным и двум телеграфным каналам.


По крайней мере один тип ретранслятора в бортовом ретрансляционном комплексе, по-видимому, разработан в НПЦ «Спурт» (г.Зеленоград), который продолжает тематику работ НПО ЭЛАС по спутниковой связи. На сайте этого предприятия сообщается, что в 1998–2005 гг. им был разработан «бортовой ретранслятор с полной обработкой и коммутацией сигналов на борту и стационарные и подвижные земные станции с АФАР* системы спутниковой связи «Корунд-М» на базе КА на высокоэллиптических орбитах».

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.01.12 00:06. Заголовок: Межспутниковые лазер..

Межспутниковые лазерные системы передачи информации со скоростью до 600 Мбит/с и дальностью действия от 1 до 6 тыс. км (линии НКА-НКА) от 30 до 46 тыс. км (линии НКА-ГКА).

Терминал для проведения космических экспериментов по лазерной связи на трассе Борт-Земля для МКС

Длина трассы
до 2000 км
Масса терминала с транспортной рамой 80 кг
Энергопотребление 150 Вт
Скорость передачи данных до 600 Мбит/с
Длина волны передатчика 1550 нм
Длина волны маяка 810 нм
Диаграмма передатчика 50 угл. сек
Точность наведения 10 угл. сек


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.12 18:19. Заголовок: http://www.rusarmy.c..


Станции спутниковой связи
Станции тропосферной связи

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.12 18:27. Заголовок: Executive summary ..

Executive summary

Transformation Signal strategy; create a deployable, scaleable, modular Signal force with standardized capability, equipment and training across all Compos.

--2003 U.S. Army Signal Symposium discussion on force structure/design


Introduced at a time when tactical satellite terminals were few, Army troposcatter systems linked one of the largest military communicationsMilitary communications, or Signals, is a field of military activities, tactics and equipment dealing with communications. First of all, military communications are battlefield (combat) communications, including intercommunication with a higher command or country's
..... Click the link for more information. networks ever installed during Operation Desert StormNoun 1. Operation Desert Storm - the United States and its allies defeated Iraq in a ground war that lasted 100 hours (1991)
Gulf War, Persian Gulf War - a war fought between Iraq and a coalition led by the United States that freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders;
..... Click the link for more information.. The proven value of the troposcatter medium was seen again during Operation Iraqi Freedom, extending critical command and control links across the theater of operationsNoun 1. theater of operations - a region in which active military operations are in progress; "the army was in the field awaiting action"; "he served in the Vietnam theater for three years"
field of operations, theatre of operations, theater, theatre, field
..... Click the link for more information.. The ability to extend large communications "pipes" without accessing an on-orbit satellite has been important to network planners. Flexible usage of troposcatter systems for installing medium range links is becoming a doctrinal employment norm.

As customer satellite requirements continue to expand beyond available bandwidth, current troposcatter systems will continue to fill the gap. As the Global Information GridThe globally interconnected, end-to-end set of information capabilities, associated processes and personnel for collecting,processing, storing, disseminating and managing information on demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel.
..... Click the link for more information. continues to grow, Army troposcatter assets will support all levels of expeditionary operations from UA, [UE.sub.x] and [UE.sub.y] to strategic sustaining base.

The following discussion centers on current and future usage of one part of the longhaul communications capability--light and heavy troposcatter systems. Specific areas reviewed include:

* Current usage of troposcatter systems in support of OIF OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom
OIF Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (French: International Organization of Francophonie)
OIF Office for Intellectual Freedom (American Library Association)

* Successful troposcatter operations by Army National Guard "specialized" signal units

* Review of the Integrated Tactical Signal Battalion concept use of troposcatter assets recommending a cross battalion mix of light and heavy systems

* Projected doctrinal use of troposcatter systems and flexible usage concepts

* The modernization of current light and heavy troposcatter systems to meet expanding user requirements in the GIG

The implementation of the ITSB ITSB Information Technology Services Branch (Government of Canada, Department of Public Works and Government Services)
ITSB Integrated Theater Signal Battalion (US Army)
ITSB Image Technology Standards Board concept has expanded the projected use of troposcatter systems. This reuse of available longhaul assets should prove beneficial in Signal Corps support of the Army and Joint Warfighters.


Tactical troposcatter systems are a critical part of Army longhaul communications assets. From being the primary backbone provider in Operation Desert Storm to augmenting tactical satellite system usage in OIF, troposcatter systems have been successfully used to extend networks supporting the warfighter. Of particular note are the successes of the "specialized" Army National Guard units that have either light or heavy troposcatter systems. The addition of more TACSAT TACSAT Tactical Satellite assets and the projected launch of the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite system may seem to point to the obsolescence of troposcatter systems. Unfortunately, even with the launch of WGS WGS World Geodetic System
WGS Whole Genome Shotgun (DNA sequencing method)
WGS Water-Gas Shift
WGS Wideband Global SATCOM
WGS Wideband Gapfiller Satellite
WGS World Geodetic Survey (less common) , user requirements will still far exceed available GMF GMF Graphical Modeling Framework
GMF German Marshall Fund
GMF Groupes de Mйdecine de Famille (French; Quebec, Canada)
GMF Genetically Modified Food
GMF Gulf of Mexico Foundation bandwidth. As a result, the new Integrated Theater Signal Battalion model provides for troposcatter assets in every battalion whether Active, National Guard or Reserve. The troposcatter systems in the ITSB are projected to handle longhaul switch-to-switch of data communications data communications, application of telecommunications technology to the problem of transmitting data, especially to, from, or between computers. In popular usage, it is said that data communications make it possible for one computer to "talk" with another. on an extended battlefield. The capabilities of troposcatter systems should be considered similar to TACSAT assets without using limited GMF bandwidth.

This white paper advocates continued Army use of troposcatter systems to extend critical tactical and strategic communications in the future, while upgrading the equipment to support cutting-edge data technologies.

Troposcatter history and recent usage

Multi-channel troposcatter communications systems were first fielded to the United States United States, officially United States of America, republic (2005 est. pop. 295,734,000), 3,539,227 sq mi (9,166,598 sq km), North America. The United States is the world's third largest country in population and the fourth largest country in area. military (Air Force) in the mid-1980s to provide longhaul extension for Joint Tri-Tac networks. The first extensive use of high data rate troposcatter communications in a military operation was during Operation Desert Storm. More than 100 troposcatter communications systems were used to provide the longhaul backbone for one of the largest tactical networks ever installed. The early to mid-1990s saw the delivery and fielding of the AN/TRC-170(V)2 (heavy) and AN/ TRC-170(V)3 (light) troposcatter systems to the Army and Air Force. At the same time, the United States Marine Corps United States Marine Corps (USMC)

Separate military service within the U.S. Department of the Navy (see U.S. Navy), charged with providing marine troops for seizure and defense of advanced bases and with conducting operations on land and in the air in connection with received the AN/ TRC-170(V)5 (light) troposcatter system variant. The Army's troposcatter systems were either heavy or light. The heavy troposcatter system variant was designed with a maximum planning range of 150 miles and maximum reliable data rate of four megabytes per second (unit) megabytes per second - (MBps, MB/s) Millions of bytes per second. A unit of data rate. 1 MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes per second (not 1,048,576). . Additionally, AN/TRC-170(V)2 systems support both dual (space) and quad (space and frequency) diversity modes of operations.

Operating in dual diversity mode, the AN/TRC-170(V)2 system has complete redundancy with two high-power amplifiers, four receivers, two transmitters and two synthesizers. The light troposcatter system variant was designed with a maximum planning range of 100 miles and maximum reliable data rate of two megabytes per second. The AN/TRC-170(V)3 only operates in dual diversity mode with no redundancy. Although both troposcatter system types are considered tactical, light is better suited to tactical operations. Heavy is best used to extend communication from sustaining base to tactical mission areas due to the reliability provided by the quad diversity.

In March 2003, the U.S. and its Coalition partners invaded Iraq beginning OIF. Similar to Desert Storm, troposcatter systems saw extensive use by the 11th Signal Brigade Organization and structure
Signal Brigade
*1st.Signal center
2nd.Signal center
3rd.Signal center
and the USMC. At one point during combat operations, troposcatter systems were arrayed from northern Kuwait to Baghdad providing critical longhaul "backbone" communications. When the 7th Signal Brigade relieved 11th Signal Brigade in January 2004, troposcatter saw continued usage. For example, 7th Signal Brigade's Alpha Company, 72nd Signal Battalion deployed TROPO TROPO troposphere (US DoD)
TROPO Tropospheric Scatter Radio teams in support of the USMC's 1st Marine Expeditionary Force The largest Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) and the Marine Corps principal warfighting organization, particularly for larger crises or contingencies. It is task-organized around a permanent command element and normally contains one or more Marine divisions, Marine aircraft wings, and involved in combat operations in Iraq.

Other communications links were installed taking advantage of troposcatter's ability to provide "big pipes" without accessing a satellite. The successful usage of troposcatter systems in OIF further demonstrates the value of this communications medium while pointing to the modular Signal Corps of the future.

Success of Army National Guard Troposcatter Systems

The first phase of OIF included two Army National Guard units--the 3564 Signal Company (Heavy TROPO) from Arizona and the 114th Signal Company (Light TROPO) from South Carolina South Carolina, state of the SE United States. It is bordered by North Carolina (N), the Atlantic Ocean (SE), and Georgia (SW). Facts and Figures

Area, 31,055 sq mi (80,432 sq km). Pop. (2000) 4,012,012, a 15. . These units installed their troposcatter systems in the network starting in May 2003 and operated over the vast deserts of Kuwait and Southern Iraq. In March of 2004, the 356th and 114th were relieved by the 143rd Signal Company (Heavy TROPO) from Colorado and the 321st Signal Company (Light TROPO) from Nevada.

Although mission operations were drawing down due to commercialization, the 143rd and 321st quickly proved their value. The 143rd's link from Camp Virginia Camp Virginia is a sustained US Army post in the Northern Al Jahara region of Kuwait. , Kuwait, to Umm Qsar in Southern Iraq proved to be one of the most stable links in the OIF II network. 321st's systems and links have proven just as reliable. The 143rd and 321st Signal Companies proved that longhaul troposcatter communications can work effectively when employed by experienced operators.

The 143rd Signal Company is authorized eight AN/TRC-170(V)2 troposcatter systems. The systems are housed in full-size S-280 shelters carried by M923 (5-ton) trucks. The new M1078 (LMTV LMTV Light Medium Tactical Vehicle
LMTV Latino Medical Television Network, LLC 2.5-ton trucks) each carry one system's antenna pallet which houses two nine-and-a-half-foot diameter dishes and the necessary installation hardware.

Depending on the terrain, trained Soldiers can install a Heavy TROPO system in four to five hours. The 143rd Signal Company can install a total of four 150-mile links with a maximum reliable data rate of four megabytes per second each.

The 321st Signal Company is authorized sixteen AN/TRC-170(V)3 troposcatter systems. The systems are housed in S-250 shelters carried on heavy Humvees. The Quick Reaction Antenna pallets are also carried on Humvees. The AN/TRC-170(V)3 antennas are six feet in diameter. Expert operators can install a Light TROPO system in one to two hours. The 321st Signal Company can install a total of eight 100-mile links with a maximum reliable data rate of two megabytes per second each.

Within two weeks of recovering equipment from the port, the 143rd and 321st conducted relief in place of several TROPO links in system. Neither unit experienced any major problems with vehicles or equipment. This success is a direct result of the ongoing comprehensive organizational maintenance program in the National Guard. One may assume that National Guard vehicle and communication systems see less usage than active component equipment, leading to better equipment availability rates.

Although this is partially true, equipment not used and not maintained will have just as many problems as equipment used frequently and not maintained. One critical addition to each unit was needed environmental control units. Both units were able to obtain the necessary 18,000 British Thermal Unit British thermal unit, abbr. Btu, unit for measuring heat quantity in the customary system of English units of measurement, equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water at its maximum density [which occurs at a temperature of 39. ECUs and support equipment during the mobilization/deployment process to provide adequate cooling for systems in desert operation.

Both the 143rd and 321st are single system--troposcatter-companies. This structure has directly contributed to operator competency. Many of the operators in both units have been assigned since the initial fielding of the systems. These 31Rs (now 25Qs) are proficient in the installation, operations and maintenance of their systems because of extensive training during drill weekends and at annual training. The 25Qs in both units can make TROPO "go".

In Kuwait, the 143rd was tasked to reconstitute re·con·sti·tute
tr.v. re·con·sti·tut·ed, re·con·sti·tut·ing, re·con·sti·tutes
1. To provide with a new structure: The parks commission has been reconstituted.

2. six AN/TRC-170(V)2 systems belonging to the permanently assigned theater tactical signal company. Exercising the "maintainer" portion of their 25Q military occupational specialtyA Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a job classification in use in the United States Army and Marine Corps. The occupational specialty system uses a system of letters and numbers to identify general and specific jobs of military personnel.
..... Click the link for more information., the TROPO system "specialization" of 143rd soldiers gave them the confidence to perform up to depot level maintenance to accomplish the reconstitution. This system specialization has also increased the operators' ability to be creative when it comes to installing AN/TRC-170s in less than ideal conditions. During this deployment, both light and heavy antenna systems have been installed on concrete bunker blocks to either clear ten-foot concrete barriers or achieve the appropriate antenna take-off angle. This type of antenna installation would have been extremely difficult for less experienced operators.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.01.12 18:27. Заголовок: Projected Troposcatt..

Projected Troposcatter use in the Integrated Theater Signal Battalion

The Signal Corps at the echelon-above-corps stands at the beginning of a major change in force structure. That change in force structure is called the ITSB. The concept was first tested in the 7th Signal Brigade with the cross-leveling and consolidation of equipment between the three separate numbered companies of the 72nd Signal Battalion and the lettered companies of 44th Signal Battalion. The resulting ITSB structure had three line companies each including switching, line-of-sight, tactical satellite, light troposcatter, cable and data equipment. Within the companies of the 72nd Signal Battalion exist, deployable light, medium, and heavy communications packages organized to support any type of assigned signal mission.

The ITSB concept gave the company commander everything needed to provide services at the EAC level to include beyond line-of-sight assets. The more modular ITSB signal company can stand alone in customer support capabilities.

The ITSB concept reorganizes existing EAC signal equipment across the Active (Compo 1), National Guard (Compo 2), and Reserve (Compo 3) components. For the Compo 2 and Compo 3 units, ITSB provides a cascade of both TASCAT (AN/TSC-93Cs and AN/ TSC-85C) and troposcatter assets (AN/TRC-170 IV2 and 3]) where none may have been available previously. The cascade of satellite equipment to Compo 2 and 3 units will likely match up with the fielding of "Phoenix" TACSAT systems to Compo 1. Since troposcatter equipment is found primarily in the National Guard and Reserve, it is likely some active component units will cross-level these assets. There are currently three projected ITSB models for TROPO assets: light, heavy and mixed. Focusing on troposcatter equipment specifically, the light battalion will only have AN/TRC-170(V)3s, the heavy battalion will have only AN/TRC-170(V)2s, while the mixed battalion will have some light and some heavy systems.

Under the current ITSB concept put forward, the active component has four light, three heavy and two mixed battalions. The National Guard and Reserve appears to have a similar mix. The present ITSB model aims to use troposcatter for long-haul switch-to-switch links. In the era of readily available TACSAT equipment and increasing satellite bandwidth, it may make sense to plan on using troposcatter systems to provide "back-up" or "alternate" links.

It is important to consider the differences between light and heavy troposcatter systems when doing so. Light troposcatter systems are capable of providing up to a two-megabyte per second link with a planning range of 100 miles. Heavy troposcatter systems can provide up to a four-megabyte per second link with a planning range of 150 miles. Set up times between the two system types are vastly different; it takes one-two hours for light versus four-five for heavy.

This tactical/strategic distinction should be considered when making the final decisions on the execution of the ITSB concept. Making some battalions strictly light TROPO will lock them into more tactical missions, whereas battalions with only heavy TROPO will be restricted to more strategic/sustainment base operations. Both light and heavy troposcatter systems have advantages and disadvantages in data rates, planning range, setup times and transportation requirements. The present ITSB concept should be modified such that all battalions have a mix of heavy and light troposcatter systems. This gives the commander the capability to support both tactical and strategic mission in the same package. Such flexibility will be critical as [UE.sub.x] and [UE.sub.y] support requirements are better defined. Additionally, a mix of light and heavy troposcatter systems can be used to support variable data rates up to four-megabytes per second, theater unique scenarios, and joint force interfaces (i.e. troposcatter links between the Army, Marines and Air Force).

Finally, system specialization should be integrated into the ITSB concept. Today's 25Q soldier must be proficient on more than ten tactical and commercial radio systems to include; the TRC-190s, TRC-170s, TSSR TSSR Total System Support Responsibility
TSSR Tropo/Satellite Support Radio
TSSR Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic
TSSR Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (Tajikistan)
TSSR tropospheric scatter (TROPO) and high-capacity line-of-sight. Each radio system requires the operator have a certain level of specialization to be used efficiently.

Although a 25Q may be expected to know the basics of each radio system in their MOS (1) (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) See MOSFET.

(2) (Mean Opinion Score) The quality of a digitized voice line. It is a subjective measurement that is derived entirely by people listening to the calls and scoring the results from , not allowing them to spend an extended amount of time on a single system may be detrimental to signal operations. ITSB commanders should consider equipment specialization as another key to mission success and allow 25Q soldiers when assigned to a system to stay with it at least six months or more to develop the appropriate level of proficiency.

Defining a strict team/system specialization concept for all radio systems in the 25Q military occupational specialty would enhance unit installation, operation and maintenance capabilities.

Future Troposcatter upgrades/usage

Ultimately, both light and heavy troposcatter systems will see use in Army longhaul communications into the near future. Technological upgrades should be considered to ensure these systems are viable in the ever-expanding Global Information Grid.

Army troposcatter systems have proven useful in both Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Both the light and heavy variants provide the communications planner with the means of extending a relatively high data rate link without using critically short satellite resources. Although the upcoming launch of the Wideband Gapfiller Satellite will provide the warfighter with much needed bandwidth, current user requirement still outstrips this new capability.

Unfortunately, both light and heavy TROPO are still outfitted with older Digital Group Multiplexing/ Tri-Tac equipment. In order to extend the lifespan and usefulness of the TRC-170, several actions should be considered.

Troposcatter Radio Systems require increased bandwidth above the 4.096 Mb/s level.

Present bandwidth processing capabilities of the AN/TRC-170 severely limits required services of OIF customers in theater. An increased bandwidth will improved capabilities of providing total communication services to the warfighter and would allow greater use of the system. Additionally, an increase in bandwidth would improve the efficiency of long haul Long distance. Long haul implies traversing a state or a country. Contrast with short haul. and tactical transmission while helping communications requirements in the joint operation environment.

Joint tactical operations require high speed, multimedia communications and information flow to garrisoned forces and to in-transit and deployed mobile forces. Many individual services required by the warfighter today, (e.g., Predator, JWICS JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System , VTC VTC - video teleconferencing , AN/TYQ-127) have data file sizes ranging from hundreds of kilobits to several megabits per second (unit) megabits per second - (Mbps, Mb/s) Millions of bits per second. A unit of data rate. 1 Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits per second (not 1,048,576).

E.g. Ethernet can carry 10 Mbps. , which require significant bandwidth to transmit. The majority of these high profile and critical circuits require at least 24 MB of bandwidth to operate these circuits. The existing AN/TRC-170 modem is not compatible with these increased bandwidth requirements Bandwidth requirements (communications)

The channel bandwidths needed to transmit various types of signals, using various processing schemes. Every signal observed in practice can be expressed as a sum (discrete or over a frequency continuum) of sinusoidal due to its limited bandwidth capacity of 2MB. The acquisition of Defense Satellite Communications System Geosynchronous military communications satellites that provide high data rate communications for military forces, diplomatic corps, and the White House. The Defense Satellite Communications System provides long-haul super-high frequency 7/8 gigahertz voice and high data rate satellite links (i.e. X-band) are a scarce commodity and the funding for commercially leased satellite links (Ku-Band) can be costly. They either cannot support, or would have difficulty providing high-bandwidth services without significantly limiting or curtailing other critical two-way voice/data network services to the warfighter. Most existing high bandwidth systems operate in point-to-point configuration and at fixed locations systems using large antennas. The Conduct of the Persian Gulf War--The Final Report to Congress, April 1992, highlighted the limited ability of current military and civilian satellite communication systems to provide responsive, high-capacity communications to deployed, mobile tactical units.

A high capacity AN/TRC-170 capability is needed to provide timely dissemination of information products, such as imagery, intelligence information, missile warning, weather, record message traffic, joint and service unique news, education, training, video, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Morale, Welfare and Recreation is a network of support and leisure services designed for use by soldiers (active, Reserve, and Guard), their families, civilian employees, military retirees and other eligible participants. programming, and/or other desired information services See Information Systems. within a short amount of time. The DoD's support in the acquisition and implementation of an upgraded AN/TRC-170 modem would provide worldwide, high capacity, full duplex transmission of a variety of high-speed data updates, high quality imagery and other information products to supported forces.

The AN/TRC-170 should support existing and proposed information dissemination requirements appropriate for wideband transmission. The service should provide expeditious ex·pe·di·tious
Acting or done with speed and efficiency. See Synonyms at fast1.


ex delivery of selected data to deployed tactical forces and commanders. The AN/ TRC-170 should support routine operations, training and military exercises, special activities, crises and the transition to and conduct of opposed operations short of nuclear war. The need for high capacity data flow results from growing emphasis on providing joint operational commanders and tactical units with tailored products and services required for successful mission accomplishment. There is an immediate need for an upgraded AN/ TRC-170 modern to provide this high capacity information flow to warfighters. Upgrading the AN/ TRC-170 has the potential to significantly overcome existing capacity limitations of current and planned communications systems. Upgrade both light and heavy TROPO systems with the latest multiplexing equipment such as FCC-100s and Promina switches. The TRC-170002 has more space for additional or upgraded multiplexing gear than the TRC-170(V)3. As miniaturization has shown, just about any free space in a communications shelter can be adapted to meet a specific need. Similar to the "Charlie Model" upgrades for the AN/TSC-93 and AN/TSC-85 TACSAT systems, the latest commercially available upgrades for TROPO modems, synthesizers, up/ down converters, transmitters, receivers and HPAs should be included in any upgrades.

Improving the two variants of troposcatter systems in this manner would extend their service life and provide access to a pool of commercially available parts. Modems and multiplexers that support real-time data compression should also be considered in troposcatter system upgrades.

Even as upgrades are considered, actual usage of troposcatter systems should be re-evaluated. Troposcatter links should continue to be used for long-haul switch-to-switch connectivity where TACSAT assets are unavailable. Troposcatter should continue to be used to provide parallel links backing up primary TACSAT links. As seen in OIF, TROPO links can be flexibly employed in their LOS mode when standard LOS and TSSR radios cannot meet planning distances or link reliability margins. In addition to these critical mission areas, troposcatter should be used in conjunction with both light and heavy data packages, especially when reliability is critical and TACSAT resources and assets are in short supply. For example, deploying a light TROPO system and light data package in lieu of TACSAT frees up a critical mission asset and still provides the customer with reliable communications. Both commanders and planners should be made aware of the capabilities, flexibility and reliability provided by their troposcatter systems.

Modernizing the Army troposcatter fleet gives the Signal Corps another critical tool to use in support of the warfighter. Appropriate use of troposcatter systems will help signalers to build and extend robust communications networks in the Joint environment.


From Desert Storm to ongoing action in OIF, usage of the troposcatter medium has allowed the expansion of the network to meet customer requirements. The implementation of the ITSB concept further expands the role troposcatter will play in future communications requirements. With TACSAT being cross-leveled across the ITSB battalions, troposcatter will become an even more critical piece of long-haul communications. Each battalion should have a mixture of light and heavy systems to give the commander the appropriate flexibility to meet any combination of tactical and strategic missions. Soldiers manning troposcatter systems in the ITSB concept should be given enough time to "specialize" on their systems to ensure operator effectiveness.

Within the ITSB model, troposcatter systems should not only be considered for switch-to-switch connectivity, but also for stand-alone data package extensions. Finally, upgrading current troposcatter systems with the latest commercially available transmission and multiplexing equipment will extend the service life of a valuable part of the Army longhaul arsenal. The future for troposcatter systems in the Army is bright--extending the GIG looking forward to transformational communications.


1) CECOM CECOM Communications Electronics Command (US Army)
CECOM National Center for Communications of the Civil Protection Agency LAR Handbook: Operation of Tactical Tropospheretroposphere: see atmosphere.

Lowest region of the atmosphere, bounded by the Earth below and the stratosphere above, with the upper boundary being about 6–8 mi (10–13 km) above the Earth's surface.
..... Click the link for more information. Scatter Communications Terminals, 01 May 2002

2) Joint Tactical Radio System Fact Sheet: AN/TRC-170(V) Digital Tropo-Scatter Radio Terminal, 01 February 2002

3) Material Field Plan For the Digital Troposcatter Multichannel Radio Set, AN/TRC-170(V)5, USMC, 23 July 1992

4) Reference Guide for Network and Nodal Managers, Version 4.0.2, 06 July 1998

5) Army Space Circular-3 Updated 2003

6) Officer Professional Development Brief Modularity, 03 June 2004, LTC LTC
lieutenant colonel Paul Ladue, Commander, 67th Signal Battalion

7) The Conduct of the Persian Gulf War--The Final Report to Congress, April 1992

8) Current Operations and Lessons Learned in support of OIF I/II


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 20.01.12 16:07. Заголовок: Modifikazija AN/TRC..

Modifikazija AN/TRC-170V2 ,184 zakaza w 2006

quad diversity na baze Hammera

2 kwt ,3 metra antenna ,240 km ,16 mbit sec


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DART-T optional multi-mode Tropo/Satcom C/X/Ku If= 70 mhz do 40 mbps


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.02.12 18:05. Заголовок: http://www.army.info..

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.02.12 18:16. Заголовок: R-439-MD-2 terminal..

R-439-MD-2 terminal sputnikowoj swjazi


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.12 15:53. Заголовок: FM24-11 Tactical sat..

FM24-11 Tactical satellite communication


A high-yield nuclear weapon,burst above the atmosphere,could be used to knock out a TASCAT communication
system's operational status ...

A typical high level EMP could have intensity ,which is 1000 time more intense than a radar beam


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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.12 16:17. Заголовок: US army zakazala 364..

US army zakazala 20 sent .2011 364 SMART -T do 2015 ,9 stuk Kanada ,7 Hollandija


+308 NMT dwux diapaz. terminali dlja Navy
contract 1.1 mlrd $ dlja bolee 300 korablej/podlodok iberegowix stanzij

X band /wse RLS samoletow rabotajut w X band/
20/44 ghz -Milstar/EHF

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.02.12 16:48. Заголовок: SCAMP sputn . termi..

SCAMP sputn . terminal ,block 2 wes do 5 kg

Planirowalos zakupit 3500 stuk


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Informazija w reklamnom rolike ob Azarte bez nauchnogo znahcenija

III Всероссийская конференция «Радиолокация и радиосвязь» –

ИРЭ РАН, 26-30 октября 2009 г. 292

Проблемы повышения помехоустойчивости

Так, например, в диапазоне метровых волн
наземные GLQ – 3A, VLQ – 12 и переносные PLQ – 2 станции заградительных
радиопомех обладают спектральной плотностью мощности помех свыше 100 Вт/МГц и
могут создавать помеховый сигнал в полосе приемника СБРЛ, превышающий полезный
на несколько порядков

В отличие от метрового и дециметрового диапазонов, где затухание в чистой
атмосфере не превышает 0,01 дБ/км, в ММДВ на длине волны λ=5 мм поглощение
составляет 18 дБ/км, что существенно затрудняет постановку активных помех в этом
частотном диапазоне на физическом уровне


Stanziju ,rabot w diapazonax X (8 ghz ) - 20 ghz (Milstar downlink)- 44 ghz (Milstar uplink) s ostronaprawlennoj antennoj

gorazdo slozneee perexwatit i postawit pomexi


sootw. ocenki R/s AZART w reklamnom rolike -"ynikalanaya"

zawedomaya loz ...

Mssowie stanzii s stirewimi antennami w diapazonax 1- 512 mhz konechno toze nuzni ,no prawilno ix naziwat standartnimi
( amerikanskij Falcon -2 bil prodan 150 000 raz)

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